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What is the effect of the amount of ACR impact modifier added on the weather resistance of the product?

ⅠWhen adding a small amount

When the amount of ACR impact modifier added is small:

1. Limited improvement in weather resistance. At this point, although the impact resistance of the material can be improved to a certain extent, the effect of improving weather resistance is not significant due to insufficient addition. For example, in plastic products used outdoors, there may be phenomena such as material aging, discoloration, and brittleness over time, and the impact resistance may decrease rapidly.

2. Weak blocking effect on ultraviolet rays. ACR impact modifiers can absorb or reflect ultraviolet radiation to a certain extent, reducing the damage of ultraviolet radiation to materials. But with a small amount of addition, its protective effect is limited, and the material is easily corroded by ultraviolet rays, thereby reducing its weather resistance.

3. Insufficient antioxidant capacity. A small amount of ACR impact modifier is difficult to effectively inhibit the reaction between the material and oxygen in the air, and cannot prevent the occurrence of oxidation process, making the material more prone to aging and deterioration of weather resistance in outdoor environments.

ⅡWhen the addition amount is moderate**

When the amount of ACR impact modifier added is moderate:

1. Significantly improve weather resistance. At this point, the impact resistance and weather resistance of the material can be well balanced. On the one hand, improving the toughness and impact resistance of materials enables them to withstand certain external impacts in outdoor environments without easily breaking; On the other hand, by exerting its blocking and antioxidant effects on ultraviolet radiation, it effectively delays the aging process of materials and maintains the stability of their properties. For example, adding an appropriate amount of ACR impact modifier to PVC door and window profiles can not only improve their impact resistance, but also maintain good appearance and performance during long-term outdoor use, making them less prone to fading, deformation, and other problems.

2. Optimize the microstructure of materials. Moderate addition amount can evenly disperse ACR impact modifier in the material, form good interfacial bonding, and improve the overall performance of the material. This uniform microstructure helps to improve the weather resistance of materials, enabling them to better resist various factors in outdoor environments.

ⅢWhen adding too much quantity**

When the amount of ACR impact modifier added is too high:

1. The weather resistance may not necessarily be further improved. Although ACR impact modifiers have a certain degree of weather resistance, excessive addition does not necessarily lead to sustained

 improvement in weather resistance. On the contrary, excessive aggregation of modifiers or incompatibility with other components may lead to performance problems of the material, such as reducing its strength, hardness, etc., thereby affecting its weather resistance.

2. Increase costs. Excessive addition can increase production costs and may also have adverse effects on processing performance, such as increasing material viscosity and making the processing process difficult.

3. May affect other performance. Excessive ACR impact modifiers may have negative effects on other properties of the material, such as reducing transparency, changing color, etc. These factors may also indirectly affect the weather resistance of the material.

In summary, the amount of ACR impact modifier added needs to be adjusted reasonably according to specific materials and usage requirements to achieve optimal weather resistance and comprehensive performance.

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